Bridging Robotics and Cryptocurrency

From the heart of robotics to the depth of digital currencies, we bridge the gap between these two exciting domains. Embark on this journey with us, exploring the world of robotic automation and crypto defi.

Who Am I? and why robotics.

My journey began in the essential realm of maintenance, I seamlessly transitioned into the intricate world of integration, subsequently delving into the complex sphere of engineering. Now, I find myself thriving in the dynamic environment of sales. This diverse trajectory has allowed me to traverse the multifaceted landscape of the industrial robotics industry, equipping me with a holistic understanding and unique perspectives that are both rare and invaluable. On this blog I’ll explain my thoughts and experiences on both of these industries as I have vested interests in both succeeding.

Why Crypto?

Since 2013, I've been closely observing the intriguing world of cryptocurrencies, though it wasn't until 2017 that I decided to actively participate through investment. The swift and sometimes tumultuous evolution of this space has raised concerns, compelling me to shed light on its underlying issues. It's my fervent desire to demystify the complex and often opaque world of blockchain technologies, focusing on those that bring tangible benefits to everyday individuals. By fostering a deeper understanding, I hope to empower the common man to navigate this ever-changing landscape with confidence and discernment.

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